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Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2015

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______________________________________________________________ Abstract: It is a class that can not be instantiated.   Interface: it's a completely abstract class.   Polymorphism: It means "many or multiple forms”.   Overload: It is applied to the methods and constructors.   Dynamic Link: It is what allows invoke operations on objects.   Public: a declared public member is accessible anywhere in the program.   Private: declared a private member can only be accessed by members of their own class.   Protected: declared protected member behaves exactly like a private one.

Work Solution

Welcome to my Blogger What are the two kinds of memories that has the computer? Expilan each one of them The RAM (Random Access Memory) temporarily stored processes The ROM (Read Only Memory) It is the permanent storing CPU information need. What part of the computer controls the input and output units and does all the logical operations? The CPU (Central Processing Unit) Is the “brain” of the computer. It control the input and output units and does all the logical operations.   Which language does the computer use for understanding programming tools? The most widely used language in programming is English.  Which language does the computer use for writing instructional software? The language used by the computer is to understand one binary zero.  What is the meaning of FORTRAN? Explain it FORTRAN (Formula Translation) Used in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering